Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 238

Ran to Walgreens (didn't have what I wanted), then Safeway (made a huge mess), Joann's (alienated an elderly lady). Then blew off going to the comic book store as I was too scared to put my friends in danger by lurking about with my bad ju ju.

Watched Daily Show/Colbert Report (Mostly. Getting tired of the campaign that will not die.) then sewed up the Plush bean bag chair liner while watching Californication (which took a while to get interesting. It was all Mulder banging chicks for like 4 episodes before something happened of interest.)

Forgot to mention that I started reading One Red Paperclip yesterday and read some more today. It is fine. I hope to finish it tomorrow and return it to my aunt so I can complete the numerous books in my to read pile.

Spoke with Mother and it looks like Canada says she's eh O.K. to become a citizen next month. Very exciting. (That pun would be more awesome if more than 3 people read this blog. Three readers: that joke was for you. My gift. Free of charge.)

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