Thursday, January 03, 2008

Day 15

Woke late and snuffly again. Made it to work roughly on time.

Met Jim at Ixtapa for dinner. Then fought terrible traffic back to my place. Made it through another disk of Lost.

Watched the news and was very surprised by the results of the Iowa caucus. (D- Obama with at least 6% statistical advantage, while Edwards & Clinton were statistically within the margin of error, thus tied- I couldn't be more shocked that Clinton did so poorly OR Obama so well. And McCain in 3rd for Republicans, after polling first in nation earlier this week. I am very worried about the future. I assume that this is normal.)

Started charting my weight and cross-referencing it with my caloric intake and exercise. This is because I am completely crazy. Also, now I can quantify more of my life in graph-form. Next I shall come up with a crazy dating point system. It will be majestic.

Read a few more chapters of One Good Turn.

Spoke with Steve (about friend who passed- weird coincidence that I saw it on the news last night) and Czabrina.

My short style journal is getting long. A m concerned. Must stop using full sentences. Bad to neglect real blog.

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