Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Day 111

Didn't sleep well till I took some cold meds at 12:30. Woke up with almost no voice and painful coughing. Called in sick to work at 7. Slept until 11. Checked email and voicemail. Slept until nearly 3.

I can't stop checking the email and voicemail. My boss is out of town and it is my busiest season. I'm really upset. I'm always sick for long periods of time because I have nobody to back me up in the office. It is nice to be needed but I have no choice but to go into the office tomorrow. I hate to be a whiner, but I simply don't get paid enough to work when I feel so shitty I can't stand in the shower. [Be prepared for further bitching in tomorrow's exciting post: I can't believe I dragged my pitiful ass in here to intercept FedEx in order to pass on these materials to someone else.]

Reheated some chili from the last time I was sick. Ate some bacon bits out of the bag. (Cry for help?) Chased that with the rest of a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

Watched some Psych and napped intermittently. Spoke with Paul.

Today was terrible.

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