Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 129

Watched cartoons and made dutch babies and bacon with Amber. Went shopping. At Target a woman started screaming hysterically. Amber started to walk towards the sound, but I would not let her as other people had walked over already. (Blood curdling screams in crowded shopping centers do not equal me running over. It does not seem prudent. And certainly not necessary with a gathered crowd.) A woman had passed out and EMTs arrived as we were leaving.
We also went to Ross and I bought 2 shirts, 2 pairs of shoes (one for inside one for out), and two dresses for under $70.

Picked up Addy for lunch at the Sunlight Cafe and mani/pedis at Blushing Beauty. Fed Quincy and Smokey dinner. We returned to Steve & Addy's for her birthday party. It was quite fun. Everybody likes a cowboy party.

Got home quite late and immediately passed out.

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