Helped Friday at the Registration/Information booth most of the day. Was still extremely tired. Spoke with mom briefly. Steve and Addy popped in for a very brief time.
Dropped Friday’s car at her friend’s place and headed down to Ipanema for dinner. The food was fantastic and it was nice to unwind. Sat with some really nice guys and had a nice time.
Looking at volunteering at the con from a post-con perspective, I’m not sure that I will want to volunteer in the same capacity again. This is not to say that I didn’t enjoy the con, but I think I don’t have enough interest in comics to sustain the level of dedication needed to bust my ass for three days. I do have a level of friendship with the people running the con to bust my ass for some increment of days, but probably not three straight.
There is something in the nature of fan-dom that I do not possess. For some reason seeing Bill Pullman at World Wraps was a much more interesting experience than paying Wil Wheaton to sign my ass. (Which I did not do, btw.) (And I did not meet him at all as he ran out of books and I couldn’t convince myself to stand in line for forty minutes to buy a picture of him dressed as Wesley Crusher.)
Also, as it turns out, not only am I not so fond of regular folks, I am also not so fond of my nerdy brethren. Which is to say that I am the lowest level of social function allowable in my estimation. Which is to say that I hate people. Which is a bummer as conventions typically features a lot of those.
Where was I? Ah yes, I had a dinner entirely composed of peppers, mushrooms, meat, cookies, caramel, and booze. Hooray!
(Final parenthetical sidenote- this blog is getting lengthy and Doogie Howser MD-esque, but I will not reign myself in, because this is my boring blog and I am not bound by rules and conventions and numbers of lines and I am wild and full of words and thoughts about Jamie Bamber’s British accent, the necessity of soap and social skills, and not actually having things signed by Wil Wheaton. So there.)