Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 222

Woke up early and drove out to Bannack State Park to hunt for quartz crystals at Crystal Park.

The ride was gorgeous but it was ridiculously hot. Crystal Park was really odd with numerous holes of varying sizes all around. I mostly worked in a large hole in the shade with Auntie. After a while she got up to run to the restroom. As I dug I felt someone sneak up behind me ruu their fingers up my back as though it was an enormous spider. Knowing it was Sean I refused to turn around. Then the skittering sensation traveled up my back and off of my tank top and onto my bare flesh. Suddenly I realized that Sean's hands are bigger and don't have tiny claws. I reared up in fright and a squirrel (chipmunk??) came running off of my back and off into the brush. I am now convinced that I have hantavirus. Or maybe monkeypox, only time will tell. Or perhaps I have Squirrel Back. Ok, fine. I made that one up.

Started I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. Absolutely charming.

1 comment:

PalinDrome said...

Best Q story in a long time!!!